Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Annet is my sweetheart. She and I became really close! I miss her so much. I just loved being around this beautifully joyful girl everyday. Annet is so special to me. She loves to dance and hop and hold my hands at the song time before bed. Mmm those little sweet hands. Annet also loved to get up into my lap during story times or even when we were just outside playing she would insist on being next to me or any of her aunties.To say annet wears her heart on her sleeve is an understatement. I may have talked about this before but she is so beautifully diverse in her emotions haha. And she isn't afraid to show what her true feelings about something is. Annet is so photogenic when she's happy because she doesn't really every fake a smile. I have lots of pictures of her also being not so happy! but that's what I love about her. Annet is my sweet! :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Brenda! She is so intelligent and beautiful! Definitely a born leader not only to her little sister Esther but the rest of the girls really look up to her too. She is creative and smart. She is really a good kid! Very well behaved and I'm glad she's such an example to the little ones. I miss her a lot. She loves bugs and she's very adventurous and outgoing! She was never afraid to pick up any little critter that crawled by. She liked to look at pictures and draw and be next to her aunties and uncles but she is more of the independent type too. She always picked out her own clothes and even helped out the younger ones pick out theirs. I can't wait to she her grow up either because she is such a character! She was almost always brave. Only when we took a nature walk that was interrupted by thousands of huge ants did she show fear! She's tough but not too tough she could get sensitive like her sister when someone needed her to be. She loved to learn! She absolutely loved to learn any and everything. I remember she would be so interested in the lessons about animals and bible stories and would ask questions and answer them. Brenda is good at singing and leading the kids in songs too! She is adorable! I love her so much.