Thursday, August 9, 2012

Merry Christmas?

So me and Laura have been wanting to watch Elf since we saw it in the stack of DVDs! but we just never got around to it! Well finally last friday, movie night, we got to be in charge of picking the movie and surprise we're watching Elf tonight kids! I think Laura, Rachel and I enjoyed it the most out of everyone... haha it took Moses only 45 mins for him to ask me "is this a Christmas movie?" Yes. Yes it is. Christmas is my favorite time ever! In fact I listen to Christmas music all year round (privately of course, otherwise people would complain). The first day I got here Carol was humming "jungle bells" and I knew right away we were gonna be good friends. Anyways it was just fun to be on the Equator, in Africa, in August, but watching Elf. The thing is there are no seasons so no one has any reference point (like if it's getting colder or not) to know if Christmas is coming soon. So I really do think the kids were confused. To confuse them even more Saturday's stations were about how Jesus is King! and we told the story of Jesus' birth, drew pictures of him in the manger and then the next week colored decrotive crosses with baby Jesus in the middle! I think they may have noticed.

They each got to decorate their own crown-complete with jewls! Everyone loves wearing crowns! But they may not have understood the whole concept of Jesus being king too well because when I yelled "Who is king?!" every one said "MEEE!"  Hmm...oh well I think we really just wanted an excuse to make them :)

And then we did bubbles!

1 comment:

  1. haha - yes, we totally just wanted an excuse to make the crowns... :)
