Monday, May 27, 2013


Mondays will be one of our outreach days where we go into the community and serve as a team at another organization or volunteer somewhere other than in and around the home.  Every Monday we will be going to work at Sanyu Babies home in the morning and API in the evening. I wrote about Sanyu last year and going back there was just what I expected! There are 50 children ranging from 1 day to 4 years old. If they have not been adopted by the time they turn 4 they will be transferred to another orphanage or put in the foster system. Sanyu is very overwhelming emotionally because of the sheer number of kids and the lack of staff. It seems very disorganized and the workers may seem harsh to us Americans because our culture expresses that a child is valued by holding, snuggling, and playing with them one on one. Because of the amount of laundry to be done, the large class sizes and the low number of workers being one on one with these kids isn’t an option. Fortunately, Sanyu is very well known and volunteers from all around the world come and help out. But even still it’s very overwhelming to see the amount of needs and no way to meet them. Even with volunteers helping out the place is hectic and disorganized and just over stimulating because of the noise of babies and toddlers crying and hitting each other, being disobedient and let loose free to roam wherever they want. It kind of reminds me of that scene in Toy Story 3 where all the children are destroying toys and yelling and running around haha. Despite all the chaos I enjoy helping love on some kids for a few hours and maybe help out with laundry.  Pray for Sanyu babies home and for the staff and for them to get adopted so that these children can grow up in a loving environment!

This was the toddlers class! We each grabbed 2 kids' hands and walked a scary dangerous walk down the busiest street in Kampala to this little gated grassy spot where the kids simply watched the cars and bodas drive by!
TJ and a sweet baby!

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