Saturday, May 11, 2013

Uganda PART TWO!

I'm going back to Uganda today! I'm so excited and I can't wait for what God will do while I'm there! I'm also excited because my mom will be with me for the whole first month and we will be working with special needs kids and helping out in the orphanage again. I'm so excited and blessed to get to have this time with my mom. And what's awesome is that I will be having some help with my blogging this year! My mom already wrote a post:

Today, at 8:40pm our plane is to leave for Uganda!  I can’t believe this day has finally arrived!!  It has already been a journey.  I guess it really began a year ago without me really knowing it.  My daughter, Jessica has an unquenchable desire to do missions and is especially interested in orphans.  During “Missions Week” at UMHB, she met a missionary from Uganda (Sarah) who owns a Christian orphanage called “Rafiki House”.  That was all Jessica needed to know.

My husband and I began a walk of faith in letting our daughter to the other side of the world!  God began to ask us to trust Him with her! Plans began to materialize:  She wouldn’t be gone for a week or two, but for 3 months! She would need a great deal of financial support!  We struggled to believe that this was in God’s will for her.  We were, I think, hoping she would “give up”.  Well, she didn’t! She raised over and above the amount of money she needed!  As we were getting used to her being gone for 3 months, she was having her own “faith walk” doing what God clearly wanted her to do and He would do the rest. She went to Uganda for 3 months.  We continue to trust God and rejoice over her growth and her experiences each time she would skype us or when we would read her blog!

There was one thing that she would talk about the pierced my heart every time we spoke.  It was the children who had special needs that had been abandoned by their parents. (I was in my 29th year of teaching children with special needs here in the U.S.)  Jessica would say, “Mom, you need to come to Uganda and help their teachers.  They don’t know how much these children can learn.” -----Then, she began praying with the staff of Rafiki House that I would come to Uganda.

When Jessica returned home and told me more about what she experienced, God began to cultivate and grow in me the desire to go to Uganda.  In December, I met with Sarah who was on furlough here for more information about going to Uganda.  Jessica’s plan was for us to go together the next time she went.  She was eager to go this Summer.  I made a hap-hazard commitment to go but when I saw the amount we had to raise, I thought it was insurmountable!

In January, the Bible Study that I was helping to lead began studying Joshua.  Over and over again I read that God told Joshua to be strong and courageous.  God would conquer what stood in the way of the Israelites as they “took” the Promised Land.  He kept telling the Israelites, through Joshua, that all they had to do was obey Him and He would do the rest.  I knew God was using Joshua to tell me the same thing:  Obey God, and He will do the rest. God provided more than enough financial support as we learned to obey Him and trust Him for the rest. He also took away all my fears and any worries!


Well, in a few hours Jessica and I will be on a plane to Uganda!   God will transform your life if you are in His Word and you let Him!----Maybe it’s going on a mission trip, or maybe it’s obeying Him in the workplace.  Maybe it’s obeying Him within your family. 

Be strong and courageous in obedience to the LORD your God Who will be with you wherever you go!

I am so thankful to have such an adventurous mom! She is going to be so awesome in Uganda! I love her so much!

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