Wednesday, June 5, 2013


A word from Mom:

We visited Katalewa again…the rehab center. We had a good time playing with the kids and even saw some progress in them making choices while we were there. It is apparent that they are not given choices. We had to teach them how to do it. The occupational therapist there asked if he could talk to me. We spoke for almost an hour. He had a lot of questions about how to work with kids with particular disabilities. He wanted to know how I had run my classroom in America and from what I had see here what would I change. It was a great conversation! I think we both were encouraged that we both had the same values about kids with disabilities. His plan is to go to the UK and receive more education. He would like to come back to Uganda and open his own school and to do it the right way for the kids! When I finished the conversation I felt like this conversation was God ordained! I came to Uganda for this-maybe even this conversation! God continues to amaze me with His provision and Faithfulness!!


  1. All of y'all's posts are great, but I especially love these last two! Jaja Rawra - pretty much the bomb, and on a boda! I love it! And the report of this conversation with the OT makes me think of Esther - for such a time as this! Great is His faithfulness!

    1. yes it is amazing. mom is doing so amazing and i seriously thank God that she is here everyday.
