Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself I would really like to get to know them? Well usually you can!

I want my life to be full of people. I want to be someone who spends  time with the people in my life and gets to know them intimately. I want to know your stories and struggle and laugh and just hang with you too! I want my life to be full of people because people are the most beautiful thing God created. We all have deep thoughts and intricate stories and unique timeline and influences that have molded us into who we are now. People are more interesting and dynamic and gorgeous than any other created thing. I know that may seem arrogant but I think about how we are so different in kind from everything else on earth. We are made of so many mysterious parts like our minds and souls and memories and experiences and how they all intertwine to make a person unlike anyone else blows my mind.

I think it was my grandma on my dad's side who said a picture is so much more meaningful when someone you love is in it. She traveled a lot in her life and saw so many beautiful scenes and amazing places but places are just places and scenes are just scenes...but people - they are so much! Sunsets and African skylines are beautiful but which pictures do people save and mull over and keep revisiting? and which have stories and memories most attached? the ones with people and life and history written into them.

I've decided that after knowing God, a life filled with people is the most meaningful. People involve work though...and pain. But love, forgiveness, relationships, intimacy, and meaning are to be gained. I've been so blessed.

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