Friday, July 19, 2013


The other day me and Laura were riding to our ministry day on the back of Wamala’s motorcycle. The trip went smoothly at first! Then the main street leading to our place was closed and under construction…But does that stop us? Not in Uganda!

Wamala plowed right on. The ground was soft dirt that had just been turned. It was kinda like trying to ride through quicksand. There were huge rocks and gravel in there too. There were huge bulldozer on either side of us (that were bulldozing!) and I thought we were gonna fall off like 4 time but I kept encouraging wamala that “we’re fine! Good job!” as he kept saying “sorry sorry sorry!!” Then we pulled up behind a huge truck with 4 or 5 men in the back of it who were flinging bag of cement aimlessly out of the back as it inched forward. Haha both me and laura were praying that they would see us and not drop a big bag on top of our heads because we were definitely in range. Wamala somehow squeezed around the truck and sped up. I swear 2 bags of cement were thrown right over our head! The funny thing I no one was surprised or anything! Everyone was just going about their business like ‘yep there’s a boda w/ 2 mzugus on the back in the middle of a restricted construction zone.'

Anyways at one point the road got so bad wamala finally asked us to get off so he could maneuver the boda better so we get out and walk a few yards with our feet sinking into the dirt! Haha. Seriously the most memorable boda ride so far!

But yeah! We safely arrived at our destination! Don’t worry!

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