Monday, July 22, 2013

Psalm 75:3

"When the earth and all it's people shake it is I who hold its pillars firm"

One day Rachel texted me and said 'was there just an earthquake? I was napping and I woke up to the whole house shaking" but I didn't feel it. I thought she was dreaming or something but then she looked it up online and there was! It was a 5.2 on the Richter scale!

Then that night at 10:24pm (I know cause I wrote it down in my journal) we were sitting there eating popcorn and the whole house started to shake! I was so surprised! It was the weirdest feeling ever. We looked up that one and I think it was a 5.7!

Then the same night I was completely in the middle of a dream and I woke up to loud creaking and shaking of my bed back and forth and the walls were cracking and swinging! And this one seemed like it went on for minutes even!

Can you believe it? In 2 days I lived through 3 earthquakes! I was really excited about it! I feel accomplished now! It was actually really scary at the time though! I know what to do in a hurricane or a fire or tornado or flood but what do you do when the very ground beneath you rocks? I had no idea. I was completely at the mercy of the ground and there was nothing I could do but wait for it to be over.

I guess this verse just has new meaning to me now. I think when something as seemingly permanent and unmovable as the ground sways and shakes and can crumble all that's built upon it it can be pretty frightening. But the Lord is the one who steadies it and He steadies us too in every circumstance.
Just a thought!

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