Tuesday, July 3, 2012

camp out!

I woke up this morning feeling really good. I love mornings. It’s fun to get up before anyone else and go down stairs for breakfast. All the kids pop themselves out of their rooms half dressing in their uniforms to greet me. “Yay!” they say in a quiet whisper “Good morning Auntie Jess-ka” If they yell before breakfast they’ll get in big trouble.

Their greetings always warm my heart. Sometimes I wake up and right away my heart feels heavy. I remember that I’m here for a long time and I miss my friends and family back at home but seeing their sleepy happy faces is just the medicine to remind me why I’m here. Most of the time my heart is heavy for the opposite reason - because I am going home and because I can’t imagine not being with them. I can’t imagine not having their little brown hands in mine or their tugs on my hair and clothes, or not hearing their giggling shrieks, or having someone come up to me every day saying that their elbow or knee is “paining" them. I can't imagine not hearing them say "i love you so much" or not feeling their wet kisses. But seeing them and being with them now is what cures me of this fear of leaving them. I know they are in God’s hands and they will be taken good care of. I love them so much.

Today and yesterday were my cleaning days! We deep cleaned the kitchen for mommy Monica and the pantry too! We cleaned upstairs, the bathroom, and we are trying a new system with the girls’ clothes because throwing them all into the cabinet isn’t working so well. We shall see how long it lasts! So today was been very productive. And for lunch we had my favorite meal! Irish Potatoes and meat! So delicious!

Dinner was Cabbage and rice but we did camp out and ate smores! African smores have biscuit cookies instead of gram crackers! Yummy! Then we got all settled for a movie with our pillows and everything but then the power went out! But that’s OK today was a really great day!

praying after our outside devo

Annet, Jerom, Brenda, Carol, Jen and Bianca

Fauziya, Brenda, Annet, Jerom, Oscar

Joel, Cocus, Carol, Auntie Taylor, Esther, Annet
Momma Monica and Auntie Taylor

The big kids enjoying thier own snacks!

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