Monday, July 2, 2012


On the way to Little Rina Primary school I was singing “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it...” because this morning I read Psalm 118. And then at morning assembly time all the kids in the whole school sang it too! It was really neat. It was like God was confirming for me that today is a day for rejoicing! So during Recess time we sang “rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice” Over and over at the top of our lungs! I almost lost my voice the rest of the day! We would sing it while we skipped around the lot, while we hopped up and down, while we ran, marched, did jumping jacks, twirled and danced! Phew! Talk about a work out!

I read a picture book in Joel’s class today about heroes of the Bible and they drew pictures of David and Goliath and labeled them and answered questions about the story. They also had midterm exams that day which was a lot different than any exams in our elementary schools! Everyone was cheating and talking and the teacher just left me in the class by myself. I had to send two kids to the corner and stop the whole class to teach them about what cheating is and about what honesty is! They didn’t even know! So that was pretty stressful. But then I found out that stickers are the best invention in the world. Whoever was sitting quietly, not cheating but doing their own work and being honest would get a sticker. Suddenly my class was filled with little angels!

The rest of class we exchanged songs! They would teach me an African song and I would teach them one of mine! A lot of them we both knew! It was fun! It rained really really hard outside too and because of the tin roof it was so loud we had to scream the songs! My throat hurt so bad when I came home! But it was worth it!  I love the rain! It is so cleansing and magical feeling! It rains so hard here! And even though it’s supposed to be dry season it has rained every day this week. The streets of Kampala become so flooded sometimes. I just love the loud thunder shaking the roofs sometimes even when it’s so sunny outside.

morning assembly with the whole school

This is the lot the play on during recess. Yes there is a lot of trash and they like to play in it but that's ok! Kids will be kids!

On the play ground all the classes are together but you can easily tell who was in my class with the stickers on thier faces! And there is Cocus in the corner being silly!

The lot also has some jungle gym stuff
like swings, a medal slide and some
monkey bars!

Handsome Cocus is always hanging on to me! even at school!

Here is my class working on thier David and Goliath drawings!

This is Eve she's a little trouble maker but I love her!

This is the class room. No crayons, no book shelves, no books, no blocks in sight. The had their story time as a class with me!

Elizabeth is a really good artist. She is so sweet and
kind to everyone and she loves to read! She always
says hello to me when I drop the kids off from
school when i'm not teaching. And she braids
hair really well!

This is Elizabeth and some other friends hanging out with me during lunch time

Joel and his buddies at lunch time

Joel and some other friends! Kids are kids where ever you go!

Today’s Beautiful Moments…
-When they sang “this is the day” at morning assembly
-I handed Joel and Joshua some play dough and Joshua says so happily “FOR EATING!?!” Godefry was so mad and said “NO! JOSHUA! You love eating too much!!” haha it was really funny actually
-Godfrey asking me if I can dance like this and then proceeded to show me his pop moves for 5 mins
-When I talked to myself happily while reading this week’s schedule and Jen was right behind me! So embarrassing!
-Cocus learned that I like back rubs so now he comes up behind me all the time and scratches my back!
-Rejoicing in the Lord always until my voice hurt
-Reading about dolphins with Joel and his friend Elizabeth
-hearing those screams and giggles as I sit and write this
-Esther crying in my lap and me just holding her
-Monica’s endless 'I love you' hugs!
-Ugandan bread!
-the rain

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