Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Today we went to a special needs school in Gaba. There were eight students so we easily outnumbered them but they were so sweet and it was a really fun day. The school was two tiny rooms attached to the side of a building of a government funded school but they had no relation to each other. When we got there we met Ally who will be working with us for a week. The government school next door had tons and tons of kids. They came up to see all the Mzungus.

 They were watching us for so long and I think they really wanted to play so I played some dancing/singing/rhythm games with them for a little bit while our class took porage. 

We took our class to a huge soccer field of dirt to play games for PE class. We did relay games for them, some water games, and just jumping stuff too.

For the water game they needed to pour water
into the bottle as fast as they could. It was
helping with fine motor skills, concentration,
and perception!

We even set up an obstical course like we did with Don, and Carol and Emma the other day!

This is Simon. He's a sweetie.

The kids and Saidel and Moses played soccer for a while with a ball made out of twisted grass.

I finished lunch quickly and got to play with the hundreds of kids from the government school who were watching us during their own lunch break with longing eyes as if to ask "please play with us too?" So i went and we sang songs while running through the school grounds. I cant describe the joy of hundreds of laughing screaming children chasing after me. No matter how out of breath i was or how many times I've been singing the same songs in a terribly winded yelling voice I couldn't stop because of the fun they were having! We played ring around the rosy in a huge circle of 30 while the others watched. We we all fell down the first time i pretended to fall asleep and confused the whole group. They huddled around me waiting for me to get up. I awoke with a "RAWR!" and they all screamed and jumped back! hahah Once they figured that out they decided to all pile on top of me when I snored until i roared again and they all ran away! It seemed like we were playing that game for forever! finally some one asked "Auntie Jess-ka can we sing a song" so head shoulders knees and toes and if you're happy and you know it were next. Then we picked imaginary fruit until it was time to leave. The school was so fun and I'm glad all the kids got some attention even though we were technically only suppose to be helping out the Gaba school that day. An olde girl, about 15, came up and shyly asked me if i was ever coming back :(  I felt loved but so sad that I may never see them again. I miss all those kids. And I really miss the Gaba kids too. They were such a joy to serve. We all piled into the hot van and headed home with me, Laura, and Bianca sitting on the floor.

Coming back home after project days always re-energize me. I was feeling completely exhausted from jumping around and grumpy because of the traffic jam and the uncomfortable seating on the way back.  When ever we have project days i really miss spending time with my kids. Getting dog piled by tons of giggling kids did lift my spirit sky high but sometimes I just need a single hug from Joshua or Cocus to make my day. 

I was feeling a little sad today I think just from being so worn out but then sweet Esther comes up and plops herself in my lap while we were playing outside with the kids. She starts touching every part of my face and just laughing so hard. She examines my eyebrows and blows in my ears, she starts giggling and kisses me on the lips over and over! hahaha Oh goodness! She then forces my mouth open and starts touching all of my teeth to see if there are any loose ones. I was laughing so hard! She was just singing some little song to herself without saying a work to me as if it was completely normal to invade someones personal space like that. Pretty soon Cocus comes up and latches onto my neck laughing histeically at something. haha It was just so funny. Then they started giving me Zerberts on my cheeks and arms and kissing me so so much. Both of them probably gave me two hundred kisses within a 30 min period. sigh... I just really needed that today.

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