Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Its a small big world

Today we went to prayer mountain. As soon as we got out of the van we saw 3 monkeys! it was spectacular! The mountain is any acres of beautiful green land and forests. The view of the city was just awesome. Prayer mountain was founded to promote prayer that never ceases. its awesome. I sat on this cinder-block wall and looked out over Entebee mountains. Just beautiful. So many people come and pray. You can get tents to stay over night but most just had a mat and they sat and prayed or walked and prayed. Also there was a lot of singing and worship going on too. The place I was sitting overlooked a field of flowers with hundreds of butterflies all around me and then a cliff that drops off. Behind me there was a small group of people singing praise to God in Luganda and clapping and dancing. One of the few things I can say in Luganda is "weba le" which means thank you. and in the song they were saying "weba le weba le Yesu" (Thank you, thank you Jesus) over and over again. It was beautiful. After a while on the wall I got up and went closer to the cliff and sat again. The butterflies were so incredible. It looked like it was going to rain really hard but I only felt exactly two drops! God is good. I snapped some pictures before heading back over to this amazing tree we gathered under to pray as a group. We have been praying for the different ministries that we've been serving and for Rafiki Ministries. Please join us in praying for them and for the kids especially. We also prayed a lot for our families. I know that being so far away from them and for so long must be hard but the Lord has us here and He will protect us. But please continue to pray for them.

Prayer mountain was very refreshing a really nice to get away and reflect on things. It was so neat being surrounded by God's beautiful creation and surrounded by people praying to God who truly have faith and believe in the power of prayer. Prayer takes a lot of faith. Why pray if you do not have faith that God will actually answer you? A lot of people come for prayer and for fasting too which is neat. At prayer mountain I was reminded about how big the world is and how small I am. And being up so high looking down at the city below made my problems seem small too. Pray that I continue to have an eternal perspective on things.

Our monkey friend!

The awesome tree we prayed under as a team!

the other side of the mountain overlooked a green country side with forests and fields!

After prayer mountain we went to Kireka Home for Kids with special education needs. The home was started in 1980s when much war was going on in Uganda. Parents would flee from the war and from their homes taking only their “normal” kids but leaving behind the disabled ones. A Dutch woman started a home as a place for these kids who were left behind. That’s why it is called a home. But now it is a boarding school run by the government. It is the only government assisted school for kids with special needs in all of Kampala. They don’t get much money because it is only 71 kids (which is too small to get much funding). But this is home to these children. They play and learn to do activities of daily living such as wash clothes, wash dishes, prepare food and sow and make their beds. Anyways I will be working here at least once a week now because the New Creation Orphanage doesn’t need our help anymore. I’m excited to start my first day tomorrow. Today we only got a little orientation and help moved some firewood which was fun. We got to meet some of the kids too! We also met another missionary who is working for 6 weeks at Kireka Home. Her name is Ashley!

It just so happened that my project day shirt was dirty so I wore my UMHB shirt. As we were on our tour, Ashley saw my shirt and asked me “how in the world do you have a UMHB shirt?” it is funny because not many people go to UMHB so whenever I see someone with a shirt I ask the same question. I told her I go there and she said she graduated from there in 2008! Which is also weird because Sara graduated in 2008 from UMHB too! Then there is more! I asked her when she’s leaving to go back to the states and she said August because she has to get back to work as a teacher in the same district that my brother is a band director for. She doesn’t know which school yet but there is still a possibility that they may be working at the same school!  But still it is such a small world! We had to fly all the way to Uganda in order for us to meet one another! So awesome! So please pray for her and the ministry she is doing at the Kireka Home. And for her job this fall as a special needs teacher.

In the room the students learn and practice sowing!

Doing dishes

The rooms where they sleep are small and filled with many beds

here are the kids playing and eating outside

We moved so much firewood! I'm so bruised on my hips from carrying them! Some pieces were so heavy!
but the kids helped us out a lot!

Here are some of the kids waving goodbye to us as we leave :( i will see them tomorrow though!

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